
Learn Tarot: The Sun Tarot Card

Element: Fire
Planet: Sun
Numerology: 19, 1
Hebrew Letter: Resh

Keywords: Accomplishment, Vitality, Enlightenment, Manifestation, Happiness, Success, Clear thinking, Blessings, Fortune, Joy, Life, Regeneration, Personal Power, Esteem

Reversed Keywords: Delayed Gratification, Sadness, Hope For Better, Malaise, Sentimentality, Illusion Of Greatness, Lack Of Self Esteem, Burn Out, Egotistical

Imagine it’s been super overcast and rainy for a long while. You’ve been indoor, cold, under cover of layers of clothes and blankets and it’s just been quite dank. Then the first day of Spring or Summer arrive and you can cast it all off of yourself, step outside, turn your fact up to the Sun and feel the brightness strain your eyes, even if they are closed. You feel the heat, the brilliant warmth that covers the entirety of your face.

In that moment it is all light and warmth and vibrancy.

That is the Sun Card. Stepping out into the light of day is filled with exhilaration, joy, life, clarity, joy, anticipation and vitality. Metaphorically, it’s the state we are in when we ourselves shine. When we are fully who we are and successful at it, confident, happy. It is here where we show up fully and it’s a good good thing.

In readings this card also spells success in an endeavor, it’s an urging to trust yourself and you’re personal power and it’s a reflection of healthy self-esteem.

Reversed Sun Card

Remember I started this by painting a picture of how it feels to be under cover of an overcast rainy season? The Sun reversed isn’t that. The Sun reversed adds a bit of frustration to the mix because the Sun is indeed out and shining, but you can’t quite feel it. It’s not quite shining for you, so you’re almost there… but not actually there. It’s the self-esteem just out of reach, it’s that you only partially succeeded in that thing you thought you’d shine in, but didn’t. It’s the appearance of greatness, but behind the scenes, it’s everything but.

This card reversed can also be pointing to burn out. Too much time in the Sun can lead to sunburn, and if you aren’t nourishing yourself with deep self-care while out in the world shining, you’ll burn out and the effects will dampen everything you do and feel.

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