Full Moon In Virgo, February 19, 2019

  • Full Moon​​: 0° Virgo
  • Time:​​ February 19th 10:53 AM EDT
  • Element​​: Earth
  • Modality:​​ Mutable
  • Ruler:​​ Mercury
  • Themes:​​ Tidying up, cleansing and sweeping the unnecessary away. A mental and physical detox.


Every month the Moon reaches its full phase when it makes an exact opposition with the Sun. It represents the peak of its cycle, when emotions are heightened and when something subconscious rises into the conscious awareness. Also, it symbolizes a completion, when we see the results of what we’ve previously worked on. This makes it a great time to celebrate if you see the results of the seeds you planted and/or an opportunity for gaining clarity on something or a situation.


The Full Moon will be at 0 degrees Virgo, happening just one day after the Sun entered Pisces. Interestingly, it’s the fourth consecutive one happening on the degree of beginnings. Hence, these lunar events representing the end of an emotional cycle, also comes with a new perspective or a new path.

Mercury rules this sign and this planet will be making exact aspects with Neptune and Saturn. These ones will define the harmonious influence of this event, making it excellent to direct it towards your dreams and your plans.


To delve into more on the meaning of this lunar phase, first we have to understand the opposite signs the Sun and Moon are in:

When in the ideal balance, these two compliment each other. They are from the mutable modality, but Virgo corresponds to the element of earth (practical) and it’s ruled by Mercury (expressive). Pisces corresponds to the one of water (intuitive) and ruled by Neptune (imaginative).

Furthermore, Pisces rules the house of the collective unconscious, dreams, spirituality and loss; Virgo rules the sixth house, the house of work, health and our daily routines.


This makes the first one more centered and grounded and the other more connected with the inner realms. The higher octave of each of these signs is met when they’re balanced with the other because being too absorbed by the external world can disconnect you from what’s happening within. Contrarily, being too connected with your spirit can disconnect you from reality and impede you from living a human experience.


In Pisces Season, we always meet the Full Moon in its opposite sign to collectively experience this equilibrium. However, as Winter ends on the next zodiac season, we are called to introspection, release and to heal (twelfth house). And this is to rise again when the Sun enters Aries (first house) on March 20th and Spring begins. For instance, with the Sun in Pisces we will be at the end of the process of banishment that began in Winter. Further, its energy will take us deep within our psyche and subconscious in order to complete it.


Therefore, this Full Moon happening right after the Sun entered Pisces, highlights that we have to start decluttering our external environment and detoxing ourselves mentally or physically to prepare for the deep introspection. It’s a time for tidying up, cleansing and sweeping the unnecessary away!

We will be starting externally with this lunar event and then going within when Mercury stations retrograde on March 5th. Thus, it’s ideal to prepare for the retrogrades that are coming starting with this planet.


Mercury and Neptune in Pisces will form an exact conjunction at 15 degrees. Hence, with this aspect we may feel deeply intuitive and sensitive. It will be great to analyze your dreams during this time as it may uncover many subconscious elements (desires, feelings, trauma). In addition, it’s ideal for writing poetry, casting spells, or anything artistic and magical. However, its sextile with Saturn in Capricorn grounds the energies needed to get organized, disciplined and get your plans done.


No matter where it transits your chart, it’s great to direct its influence towards adjusting your daily routine, changing habits or improving your productivity. As said, this lunar event marks the ideal time to organize, 
release the old, and to detox. This will be all to achieve the physical and mental wellness essential for connecting more easily with your spirit and your intuition on Pisces Season. Lastly, it will be ideal to use the element of earth during this time for grounding. Think going out in nature, herbal or earth magick.


Where the Moon will be transiting indicates what area of life is calling for organization, a detox or a change of habits.

  • Aries: ​In the sixth house. Hence, the area of service-based work, health, routines, and habits.
  • Taurus: ​In the fifth house. The area of creativity, fertility, children, and dating.
  • Gemini: In the fourth house. The area of the home, family, natal city, your roots, the past and internal world.
  • Cancer: ​In the third house. The area of communication, intellect, education, brothers, and neighbors.
  • Leo: ​In the second house. The area of finances, possessions and your value system.
  • Virgo: In the first house. Hence, the house of self, your appearance and personality.
  • Libra:​ In the twelfth house. The area of the unconscious, dreams, karma, confinement, working ‘under the radar’.
  • Scorpio:​ In the eleventh house. The area of networks, group of friends, connections, humanitarian efforts and goal setting.
  • Sagittarius: ​In the tenth house. The area of career, public image and reputation.
  • Capricorn:​ In the area of travel, higher knowledge, book publishing, adventure, foreign people and countries.
  • Aquarius: ​In the area investments, inheritance and debts. Also in the area of death, rebirth, the shadow side and sexuality.
  • Pisces: ​In the seventh house, the area of relationships, weddings, partnerships, laws and justice.


  • In what area of life is the Full Moon highlighting for improvement and a cleansing?
  • What changes do I need to make in order to improve my health and my emotional wellbeing?
  • Is there something needs to get organized? Is it my space, my work, my mind or my ideas?
  • What activities can I do to feel more grounded and focused?

Written by Kiaralys Rosario | Astrologer on KiaraStellar​ ​. My approach in astrology comes from my love for the stars and their archetypal energies that coexist within us and that by translating their language, we are able to reach a deeper level of self-awareness and discover our life’s path. Follow me on Instagram for daily horoscopes ​@KiaraStellar​ , to book a reading or read the Cosmic Blog: ​kiarastellar.com

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