Full Moon in Capricorn, June 24th, 2021


  • Full Moon: 3° Capricorn 28′
  • Date: June 24th, 2021
  • Time: 2:40 PM ET / 11:40 AM PST
  • Element: Earth
  • Modality: Cardinal
  • Ruler: Saturn


Every month the Moon reaches its fuller phase when it makes an exact opposition with the Sun, representing the peak of the lunar cycle, when emotions are heightened and the subconscious rises to our conscious awareness. Further, it’s a time of illumination and harvesting, for it’s when we see the results of the intentions we set six months ago with the New Moon of its same zodiac sign. This makes it perfect to celebrate if you see the blooms of the seeds you planted and/or an opportunity for reflection and gaining emotional clarity on a situation.


The Full Moon of Cancer Season will occur at 3 degrees Capricorn, an earth and cardinal sign ruled by disciplinary Saturn. This is the first Full Moon in Capricorn that’s not an eclipse of the South Node since July 16th 2019. Thus, this lunar event will shed light to how an area of our lives has transformed since the fall of structures it experienced, especially in 2020 with Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter in this sign.

This is because this lunation also culminates the emotional cycle that began on January 12th with the New Moon in Capricorn, the first one in this sign that was not a Solar Eclipse, initiating a new cycle of six months that began the process of reconstruction. Thus, this makes this an ideal time to review our progress and also for the goals that we set at the start of this year since they may have met a change of direction during Mercury Retrograde. From this point, the Moon will begin to wane and with it, we will be leaving behind what no longer serves us for the new paths we are beginning to follow after the Solar Eclipse in Gemini.

The luminaries will be in a sweet alignment with Jupiter in Pisces, who stationed retrograde on the day of the Solstice whilst Mercury just stationed direct. In addition, this lunar event ends the season of eclipses, meaning that the scattered and foggy energy characterized by these transits is beginning to dissipate. Thus, this Full Moon is also coming with the clarity and practicality we needed to organize our life and to make a pragmatic plan for all the ideas that surfaced and for what we’ve been envisioning.


Cancer Season comes with the fertile energy we so need to plant new seeds for the future and to start bringing our creative ideas to fruition, especially after Mercury is out of its shadow period and July 9th’s New Moon in Cancer. Therefore, making it an excellent time to initiate new projects and kickstart all that was put on a pause during the planet of the mind and communication’s retrograde transit. This is because the luminaries will be in sextile with innovative Uranus in Taurus and in a trine with Neptune in Pisces, blending both the elements of earth and water, offering a fecund soil for us to materialize our vision throughout the Waxing Moon month. 

The cosmic lovers, Venus and Mars will be copulating in the passionate and fiery sign of Leo as they will be conjunct during this lunar event, bringing another element to the mix that will add rapidness and momentum to our intentions, also encouraging us to follow our heart’s desires, our drive and our wild instincts. This will follow the blockage and obstacles we may feel when these planets oppose Saturn during the first two weeks of Cancer Season.


However, this New Moon will be removing what has been halting the flow of our emotions and our creativity. Unblocking suppressed emotions and all that may have kept us from following our instincts and our desires. Thus, before this new cycle, we have this Full Moon in Capricorn that will help us organize our scattered thoughts and ideas following eclipse season.


On June 20th, Jupiter will station retrograde in Pisces to eventually return to Aquarius. Thus, since it entered this dreamy sign on May 13th, it has been giving us a glimpse of what it will bring to an area of our lives for when it re-enters this sign for good on December 28th. 

Here, Jupiter is focused on the spiritual side of life, on our dreams and visions. However, since it was one of the protagonists of Eclipse Season, it showed us the illusions and the inauthentic in our lives. Thus, playing a role of what we will be purging and dissolving as it was squared by the Blood Moon. It showed us all the dreams and aspirations (Jupiter in Pisces) we hold that no longer align with our truth (Sagittarius South Node) and our soul path. 

For instance, during its backwards transit we will be turning our gaze within in order to reconnect with our soul and realign with our spiritual path while we leave behind the illusions and false ideals as we move towards the path of our purpose. The fact that Jupiter stationed retrograde before the Full Moon, it’s a sign that we will be grounded in reality and be able to see clearly what’s unrealistic in order to make practical decisions for our future. This is what this lunar event will be illuminating since it be sextiling it. 


This makes this Full Moon excellent to get productive, to finally get organized, create a structured schedule, make a methodical plan for what you will be executing on after July 8th. From chaos comes a new order and from this point going forward is what we will be rebuilding.

The Capricorn lesson is that it’s not about how fast you move, but how efficient you are. This explains why Mars, the planet of action, is exalted in this sign. So, it’s a time to get serious, beat procrastination, but have a plan and a strategy when making moves. Slow, but steady wins a race especially while we’re still in the retrograde shadow.

Also, it’s an excellent time analyze what you need to discard to reduce stress and pressure. Overworking is the shadow side of Capricorn that demands us to produce and climb towards a goal without stopping. We’re in Cancer Season, so balance is key. It’s important to also make time for our loved ones, to nurture ourselves and our relationships. On the day of the Full Moon, Venus will be opposing Pluto. Thus, shedding light to the toxic dynamics and cycles in our relationships that need to end or transform.


Where the Full Moon in Capricorn will be transiting in your chart indicates where you’re meeting the end of a cycle and where you will be reviewing your progress and/or the results of the goals you set in January with the New Moon in Capricorn. This is also where Pluto, that’s being opposed by Venus in Cancer, is currently transiting, illuminating a toxic or negative cycle that needs to end so that order is restored in your life.


  • Capricorn: In the first house. Hence, the area of self, appearance, personality; ruling over your personal goals, your physical body and how other people see you.
  • Aquarius:​ In the twelfth house. Hence, the area of the subconscious, mental health, spirituality, isolation, confinement, endings and everything you do behind the scenes.
  • Pisces:​ In the eleventh house. Hence, the area of friends, groups, community, social networks, connections, social recognition, goals and aspirations.
  • Aries: ​In the tenth house. Hence, the area of career, public image and social status.
  • Taurus: In the ninth house. Hence, the area of expansion, long term travel, higher knowledge, college education, philosophical and religious beliefs.
  • Gemini: In the eighth house. Hence, the area of transformation, the occult, shared resources, other people’s money, tax, credit, investments; sex and the intimacy you share with a partner.
  • Cancer: In the seventh. Hence, the area of relationships, business partnerships, collaborations, laws and contracts.
  • Leo: ​In the sixth house. Hence, the area of health and wellness, service work and work environment, daily tasks, routines and productivity.
  • Virgo: ​In the fifth house. Hence, the area of fun, romance and dating, creativity, projects, children and fertility.
  • Libra: In the fourth house. Hence, the area of the home, family, natal city, your roots, the past and internal world.
  • Scorpio: ​In the third house. Hence, the area of the mind and communication, ideas, education, hobbies and interests, siblings and neighbors and immediate environment.
  • Sagittarius: ​In the second house. Hence, the area of personal resources, money, possessions, value system, self worth and self esteem.

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